Saturday, February 20, 2010


Being a vegetarian and now vegan has got me thinking. After cutting out dairy, all I can think about it meat. It's bizarre. I emailed my 'go to' person the other day about some support for supplements and some advice. She is vegan and informed me in our emails that she is actually eating meat again. She said that she tends towards being anemic and her iron levels are low and she wanted to be 100% for her daughter because she is breastfeeding. She made a really fabulous point that she is only eating free range, organic, local beef and wild caught fish. She said that she doesn't mind supporting an economy of fair practices when it comes to animals and I would have to agree with that statement. I tend to waiver between understanding why meat has come into our lives and the history of it being in our diet but I also think that animals shouldn't be needlessly dying for our consumption when it is healthy and absolutely possible to live a life without eating them. I realize, health wise, that dairy is and always was my problem. Yes, meat protein weighs me down and effects my gut but dairy is my issue in so many ways. Interesting thoughts going through my head.