Friday, February 12, 2010


This is me being honest, things have been rough on the road to being completely dairy free.
I have been fighting off a cold and not feeling nourished and frankly feeling sick because of it. It is clear to me that my body is lacking something and I'm not sure what it is. I knew in this process that I would need to evaluate what I am doing and what changes need to be made. I need to supplement myself and get everything my body is asking for. Certain constant cravings indicate a lack of vitamins and nutrients and I need to figure out what those are and what I need.
As I work my way through this journey I realize that my body was telling me that dairy is something that it cannot handle and that it is so important that I change my lifestyle. When I stopped eating meat, I did it because of my health as well as being turned off by what I was eating. I'm realizing my weaknesses and that quitting dairy is 100 times harder on me than quitting meat was.
I'm hoping that I can get in touch with my body and understand what it needs to get through this tough time. I don't mind feeling hungry (as most of us never do because we over eat) but I don't want to feel lacking in something essential that my body is needing.
I need to look into vitamins and read up on anemia.
Struggles, that is what I am going through right now. I got a few new cookbooks today and I will post a wonderful recipe tomorrow as I try to stay motivated.